Media Network Services is now Vixly

The company name has changed from Media Network Services AS to Vixly AS.

The name change signifies our new direction and commitment to the newly launched Vixly platform.

Our new vision is to redefine the experience for customers when connecting and meeting with providers. We aspire to create a world where every customer interaction starts with a smile, and where providers can build stronger relationships with their customers, one smile at a time.

We will continue to offer, maintain and operate our value-added services in the collaboration space including REC.VC and Selfie.VC.

Feel free to schedule a video call with us or e-mail us at

Vixly - Meet with a smile!

How to get started

Start trial

Register for a free 30-day trial with unlimited access to functionality and unlimited use (paid sessions subject to fee).


Create a Vixly page for your organization and add your free or paid services. Optionally add support for payments via Vixly/Stripe.


Share link to your Vixly page on your website and social media, and add your personal Vixly link to your e-mail signature.
Free trial